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Light Photo - October 5th, 2020

This is a photo where we had to take a photo where light is the main subject of the photo. For this photo, I decided to find a spot where the sun would make for a cool photo and I found this formation in a tree! I decided to position my phone so that the sun was in the center of it and then I took a photo! I then played around with filters for a bit and I liked it a lot.

I think that there are many ideas to have light as the main subject of a photo and this assignment was pretty fun! I hope I can take photos even more epic than this one.

Darkness Photo - September 9th, 2020

For this assignment, we had to take a photo that has darkness as it's most prominent feature but still have something cool in it or to put emphasis on something. I created this image by using a Himalayan salt lamp and putting my hand over it to create this effect. I then made the image slightly darker using the settings on my phone and editing it as well.

I really like this photo as it kinda looks like lava to me and I think that it's pretty cool. I really like this darkness photo and I would like to see what else I could do with it.

Blurry Photo - August 20th, 2020

For this assignment, we were assigned to take a photo that is blurry but still has appealing qualities to it such as color, shape, etc. We were allowed to blur the photo however we want and I noticed that when I get my phone camera up close to things, the image becomes blurry. I used this technique and got a close shot of my sister's rose light and it looks really cool!

I really like how this photo came out! It looks blurry but you can still tell that it is a rose. It also looks kinda romantic and I just think that it looks cool. In the future, I hope to experiment with new techniques to create these kinds of photos.

Long Exposure Shots - August 27th, 2019

In Video Production, we took some cameras in class and we had to make 3 photos using the Long Exposure settings on manual mode. Then, we had to edit the photos in Adobe Lightroom to edit the lighting, etc. On the left, you can see the original version and on the right, you see the edited version. We learned about the grey scale and stuff in order to learn how to manipulate shadows, etc.

I kinda like how these turned out, I tried balancing the colors to bring out the darker colors and such so the image would look even. Next time, I will come up with more ideas for this. I kinda just goofed around for this assignment so these photos were pretty much just random.

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