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Imposter! - September 16th, 2020

For this project, we had to make a test video using the Adobe Premiere Rush app on our phones and we could use whatever clips we want! I made a little skit where my bird meets an imposter of himself and then the imposter does something crazy!

This project was actually pretty fun to make and I enjoyed it a lot. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to make a video using only my phone and it felt really cool to make it. I hope to make more video assignments in the future that are just like this. :)

Society of XXX - September 18th, 2019

Our first video project! This project features me getting kidnapped and being questioned about the Society of XXX. We learned how to color correct, balance light levels, and the rule of thirds.

In the future, I want to plan more as there were a lot of problems with the clips such as audio issues and dialogue but overall, I'm satisfied with how this turned out.

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